13 de nov. de 2014

Abertas 1.576 vagas em cursos de qualificação no Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina

Estão abertas até 25 de janeiro as inscrições para cursos de qualificação profissional no Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina (IFSC) que serão ofertados no primeiro semestre de 2015. Há vagas nos municípios de Araranguá, Caçador, Canoinhas, Chapecó, Florianópolis, Garopaba, Gaspar, Içara, Itajaí, Jaraguá do Sul, Joinville, Lages, Palhoça, São José, Urupema e Xanxerê. Todos os cursos são gratuitos e não possuem taxa de inscrição.

Os cursos são ofertados na modalidade formação inicial e continuada (FIC) e são voltados para o aperfeiçoamento profissional de curta duração. Os cursos duram, em média, quatro meses.

As inscrições devem ser feitas no Portal do IFSC. Ao acessar o endereço, o candidato deve clicar em “Inscrição e Acompanhamento”, selecionar a cidade onde o curso é oferecido, clicar sobre o curso desejado, preencher todos os dados solicitados e imprimir o comprovante de inscrição. Para candidatos que não possuem de acesso à internet, o IFSC disponibiliza computadores para isso em todos os câmpus. Os endereços e os horários estão descritos nos editais

A seleção dos candidatos será feita por meio de sorteio ou análise socioeconômica, dependendo do curso. A lista dos candidatos selecionadas em primeira chamada sai no dia 28 de janeiro.

Para mais informações, consulte os editais 13 e 14. Em caso de dúvidas, entre em contato com o Departamento de Ingresso do IFSC pelo telefone 0800 722 0250(ligação gratuita).
Confira mais detalhes sobre os cursos ofertados em cada cidade: http://www.ifsc.edu.br/ingresso/4490-abertas-1-576-vagas-em-cursos-rapidos-de-qualificacao Seleção por sorteio público: Edital 13 - 1.144 vagas

Dia de ...

12 de nov. de 2014

Seu cachorro não tem responsabilidade..

Clique na imagem para ampliar

Dia Mundial da Pneumonia

Sintomas de Pneumonia
Entre os sintomas de pneumonia estão:

  • Febre alta
  • Tosse
  • Dor no tórax
  • Alterações da pressão arterial
  • Confusão mental
  • Mal-estar generalizado
  • Falta de ar
  • Secreção de muco purulento de cor amarelada ou esverdeada
  • Toxemia (danos provocados pelas toxinas carregadas pelo sangue)
  • Prostração (fraqueza).
Take Action: World Pneumonia Day 2014

WPD 2014

This year’s theme is: Universal access to pneumonia prevention and care
See the information and resources below to help you in your World Pneumonia Day campaign efforts!
Social Media: Join Us in Spreading the Word for #WorldPneumoDay2014 to #fightpneumonia!
Planning Resources
Informational Resources

10 de nov. de 2014


Quer participar do Parlamento Juvenil do Mercosul? A próxima seleção deve ocorrer em 2016 e vai selecionar jovens entre 14 e 17 anos, devidamente matriculados no 1º ou 2º ano do ensino médio. Fique ligado e conte pra todo mundo!
Para saber mais, curta a página e acesse o site do Parlamento Juvenil Mercosul: http://parlamentojuvenil.educ.ar/ (em espanhol)
Confira também a página do Ministério da Educação sobre o projeto:http://portal.mec.gov.br/index.php…

7 de nov. de 2014

Brazil Chevening Scholarships


The Chevening programme grants awards to outstanding individuals with leadership potential from around the world. A Chevening Scholarship offers financial support to individuals wishing to study for a Master’s degree at the UK’s leading universities, along with the opportunity to become part of an influential and highly regarded global network.

Applicants from Brazil can choose any course of study, but we particularly welcome applications in the following fields:
Trade and Investment – including energy and infrastructure
Business environment – including taxation, finance, economics and public administration
Global security and international relations – including human rights and education
Development including climate change, sustainability
Crime/NCA – conflict, transnational crime, intelligence
Sporting events and legacy – sports administration, development, event legacy and education

A Chevening Scholarship in Brazil includes:
• a monthly stipend
• travel to the UK from your country at the beginning of your award
• travel from the UK back to your country at the end of your award
• an arrival and departure allowance
• a thesis or dissertation grant
• the cost of one visa application
• university tuition fees. There is also a global Chevening fee cap for £13,000 for MBA and Masters in Finance. If the tuition fees of your chosen university course exceed this amount, you will be required to fund the remainder of your tuition fees.

APPLY HERE: https://chevening.tal.net/vx/lang-en-GB/mobile-0/channel-1/appcentre-3/brand-2/user-291891/xf-1f059b7dec63/wid-1/candidate/eform/365446/page/1


Knighthood T-Shrits - DeMolay

Uma loja de irmãos para irmãos, http://www.knighthood.com.br/

Últimos dias de pré-venda

Ainda da tempo de aproveitar, brother!

Quem garante as novidades na pré-venda, paga menos!

6 de nov. de 2014

Assista o Social Good Brasil pelo MKB

World Merit Fellowship Program

O que está esperando para fazer sua inscrição no World Merit Fellowship Program?
Será um ano inteiro dedicado a desenvolvimento de liderança e projetos que tragam algum benefício para a sociedade. Não perca a chance de passar 2 semanas em Washington, 11 meses em mentoring online e 2 semanas em Londres e Liverpool!
Faça sua inscrição em http://www.worldmerit.org/opportunities/world-merit-fellowship-program.aspx

Boa sorte!

What are you waiting to apply to World Merit Fellowship Program?
It will be a year dedicated to leadership development and projects that bring some benefit to society. Do not miss the chance to spend two weeks in Washington, online mentoring for 11 months and 2 weeks in London and Liverpool!
Apply in http://www.worldmerit.org/opportunities/world-merit-fellowship-program.aspx

4 de nov. de 2014

APPLY NOW to Prestigious UC Riverside!

Apply to UC Riverside

Apply to UC Riverside!
The time is now. Position yourself among the world’s elite scholars. As a member of the prestigious University of California, UC Riverside is one of the most highly ranked and highly respected universities in the
United States.

Located close to Disneyland, Hollywood, and Southern California’s legendary beaches, UCR offers
a stimulating academic environment in the heart of one of the world’s most exciting regions.

The deadline for applications is November 30th.

If you are ready for a challenge and ready for some fun,
UC Riverside is right where you want to be!

30 de out. de 2014



The Tech TimeoutTM challenge started by ForestersTM encourages families to take a daily break from technology. Participating families are encouraged to disconnect from all things electronic with the goal of helping spouses, parents and children build stronger bonds, communicate more personally and get more involved in each other’s lives.


Every international development issue, from poverty to hunger to conflict to climate change, has countless charities working towards its alleviation. While many young people want to make their own contribution to these causes, they lack the money to do so. Luckily, some charity sites have found ways to bypass this problem. Thanks to generous donors and/or clever advertising schemes, these five sites let you support their causes without opening your wallet or even leaving your chair.

1. FreeRice

FreeRice, the most famous moneyless charity site, is based on quizzes. For each multiple choice question you answer correctly, 10 grains of rice are donated to theUnited Nations World Food Program. FreeRice requires no signing up of any kind. Test yourself on subjects like vocab, geography, maths and many more. Questions get more difficult as you progress, but after a few minutes of playing, you’ll be surprised how much rice you’ve donated – and how much you’ve learned.  Since its 2007, FreeRice’s players have provided food to millions of people. Get playing!

2. Care2

Care2‘s Click to Donate page is pretty self-explanatory – all you do is click, which generates a donation to a cause. Care2 requires no signing up of any kind. Causes range from from children in need to global warming. Just find a cause, click the button and that’s it! The only downside is you’re not allowed to click more than once a day for each cause. We recommend bookmarking the page and checking back every day, especially because once a cause’s quota gets filled, a new cause pops up!

3. Goodsearch

For every search you perform using the Goodsearch search engine, you generate a one cent (USD) donation to the charity of your choice – and there are approximately 110,000 charities to choose from: UNICEF, Oxfam, Sierra Club, Kiva, etc. Signing up is completely free and can be done with an email address or through Facebook. While switching from Google from time to time may be tough (Goodsearch.com is sponsored by Yahoo!), it is worth the change!

4. Answer4Earth

Answer4Earth is based on the same quiz scheme as FreeRice, but the cause is to combat global warming. Rather than donating rice with each right answer, you build up points to have a tree planted – a real tree! The questions are within the all-encompassing subject of general knowledge, and the game adapts to your level of difficulty.

5. Charity Water

Charity Water works to bring clean water to people in need all over the world. To start a campaign through the Charity Water website, you just have to promise to do something when you reach the goal you set. For example, one campaigner is promising to shave his head when he reaches his $2,500 goal. There’s also an option to pledge your birthday. These campaigns, as with most crowdfunding causes, clearly involve more effort than the other sites listed above. For the more dedicated and driven among us, however, such campaigns can be a great way to support a cause without spending a penny.