9 de abr. de 2014

Amazing Project: Merit Next - MY ID: 7946

Merit Next is an exclusive year-long leadership program accessible to the most talented and driven young people from around the globe. World Merit is working with some of the world's most innovative thought leaders and organizations to provide a life-changing experience that will accelerate the potential of all participants. Curious to know who you will be working with? Just imagine that in our Your Big Year program, the young leaders selected for the finals worked with Richard Brandson, Breaking Bad's Giancarlo Esposito and collaborated with Google, Deloitte's Center for the Edge, Vodafone and Bloomberg. Merit Next is going to be just as ambitious!


Liverpool, 1 Week

We start off with World Merit Day - a huge concert, hackathon and TEDx talk! We will have lots of workshops to team-build, identify personal strengths and weaknesses and learn from some of the best experts around.

London, 1 Week

Week 2 will have you experiencing the exciting capital of England for a week. It will entail everything from site visits, workshops and debating with leaders. This is the time to set up your life-plan and choose a global challenge!

Home Country, 11 Months

In Months 2 to 5 the challenges will continue online. Through virtual collaboration and online mentoring by our team of experts and leaders, you will delve deeply into your goals and strategies for accomplishing them. You will develop a plan in a team of 6 that will tackle a global issue of your choice while turning your mind to developing your own personal life-plan. Month 6 will involve a two week internship in your home country, organized or supported by the World Merit team. Then, in Months 7 to 11 it's back to virtual collaboration and online mentoring to pull together the final touches!

Washington, 1 Week

After 11 months of hard work, you will be received in Washington DC, USA. This week will consist of site visits, talking to leaders and integrating and presenting your life-plan and global challenge.

New York, 1 Week

In the final week we gather in dynamic New York City. We will celebrate the culmination of Merit Next with one BIG weekend filled with site-seeing and new experiences.

If you want to be part of Merit Next, the first step is to fill out this application form. You won't be able to complete it all in one go as it has been designed to mirror your progress in World Merit. However, don't let time go by and get started immediately! The sooner you start, the sooner we can provide you with feedback on how to improve your application and your performance.
Once you start filling out your application you should get ready, because the fun is just about to start!
The main requirement to be selected for Merit Next is to prove you are "of Merit". What does this mean? It means that you have the passion and determination to not let any obstacle get in your way when it comes to making a positive impact both locally and globally!
We set both online and offline challenges to assess your merit. We will challenge you to take action and showcase that you are a real change-maker. The actions you take will vary from producing a creative video to being active in your community and impacting a social cause...and of course, being active on the online hub is an action itself so keep earning credits!
You will find all the challenges outlined in the application for Merit Next and we have provided specific guidelines for all of them. For the biggest offline challenge we ask you to take a Social Action. Find out more about that challenge on the Social Action Challenge Page. So, make sure you follow the guidelines. They are there to direct your efforts!
Successful applicants will be chosen based on the quality of their applications and on their performance in the challenges.

Personal Qualities
How you can demonstrate this to us
Commitment, drive and passion
Be an active member of the online community and login to your account regularly. Drive thoughtful and interesting conversations through our groups. Assist new members and demonstrate your passion for World Merit through your social media channels.
Original ideas and creativity
For each challenge, you should think outside the box. We need to be able to show our partners and sponsors that you have the ability to think differently. Stories about what social action you are taking and evidence to back it up are essential. Do something and do it creatively!
Collaboration with the World Merit Community
Show us that you can collaborate with the wider community, lead projects and action in the community. Set a high standard for others to follow.
Ability to inspire and energize our community and partners
You can't change the world on your own. Use your global World Merit team and inspire debate, ideas and action.
Produce high quality content
Provide us with the highest quality work you can. If it is a video challenge, use your network to find an HD camera, a tri-pod and audio equipment. For posts and debates, give thoughtful and intelligent contributions.
Be resourceful
Don't let obstacles stand in your way. It wouldn't be challenging if it was easy! Take initiative, contact your network, use your resources. If you are determined you won't let anything get in your way of producing high quality results.

My *Merit ID: 7946

31 de mar. de 2014

If I were you...

If I were you I would start to use Google+ and follow our page with Every day news and cool things, check it out!
One of our google+  page's update

#Rugby   #HAKA   #HakaDance   #Awesome  #Amazing   #Cool   #GLORIOUS  

HAKA is a very common dance for football or rugby players, when you are watching a game and they dance it you can feel energy and your heart beating faster, I wsh I could be there 'cause I think that I was fantastic!

28 de mar. de 2014


Dear reader,
I's like to share with you that I'm not posting all that cool material that I did in the start of this #EnglishProject just because I fell in love and I live far from her and 'cause of it I'll share some pics.

Cool project

Today, I'd like to share (again) with you, this amazing project:

27 de mar. de 2014

New layout

Hello dear reader,
Today there was an update in this blog, which bring us some facilities. Take a look!

26 de mar. de 2014

PORTUGUESE DAY: Dez direitos do consumidor que você tem e não sabe

Fonte: http://www.reclameaqui.com.br/noticias/noticias/dez-direitos-do-consumidor-que-voce-tem-e-nao-sabe_274/

1. Não existe valor mínimo para compra com cartão
- Artigo 39, IX do Código de Defesa do Consumidor: Recusar a venda de bens ou a prestação de serviços, diretamente a quem se disponha a adquiri-los mediante pronto pagamento, ressalvados os casos de intermediação regulados em leis especiais.
2. Passagens de ônibus têm validade de um ano
- Lei nº 11.975 de 07 de Julho de 2009: Dispõe sobre a validade dos bilhetes de passagem no transporte coletivo rodoviário de passageiros e dá outras providências. Artigo 1, Os bilhetes de passagens adquiridos no transporte coletivo rodoviário de passageiros intermunicipal, interestadual e internacional terão validade de 1 (um) ano, a partir da data de sua emissão, independentemente de estarem com data e horários marcados. Os bilhetes com data e horário marcados poderão, dentro do prazo de validade, ser remarcados.
3. Seu nome deve ser limpo até cinco dias após o pagamento da dívida
- Artigo 43, parágrafo terceiro, do Código de Defesa do Consumidor: O consumidor, sempre que encontrar inexatidão nos seus dados e cadastros, poderá exigir sua imediata correção, devendo o arquivista, no prazo de cinco dias úteis, comunicar a alteração aos eventuais destinatários das informações incorretas.
4. Doador de sangue tem direito a meia-entrada
- Doadores de sangue registrados em hemocentro e bancos de sangue de hospitais do Estado Paraná (Lei Estadual 13.964/2002), Espírito Santo (Lei Estadual 7.737/2004) e Mato Grosso do Sul (Lei Estadual nº 3.844/2010) têm direito à meia-entrada, pagando assim a metade do valor estipulado ao público geral para o ingresso a espetáculos culturais, eventos esportivos, cinemas, exposições, entre outros.
5. Cobrança indevida deve ser devolvida em dobro
- Artigo 940 do Código Civil: Aquele que demandar por dívida já paga, no todo ou em parte, sem ressalvar as quantias recebidas ou pedir mais do que for devido, ficará obrigado a pagar ao devedor, no primeiro caso, o dobro do que houver cobrado e, no segundo, o equivalente do que dele exigir, salvo se houver prescrição;

- Artigo 42 do Código de Defesa do Consumidor: O consumidor cobrado em quantia indevida tem direito à repetição do indébito, por valor igual ao dobro do que pagou em excesso, acrescido de correção monetária e juros legais, salvo hipótese de engano justificável.
6. Sete dias para devolver sem custo compras virtuais e em lojas físicas
- Artigo 49 do Código de Defesa do Consumidor: O consumidor pode desistir do contrato, no prazo de 7 dias a contar de sua assinatura ou do ato de recebimento do produto ou serviço, sempre que a contratação de fornecimento de produtos e serviços ocorrer fora do estabelecimento comercial, especialmente por telefone ou a domicílio.
7. Toda loja deve expor os preços e informações de produtos e serviços
- Artigo 6, parágrafo terceiro do Código de Defesa do Consumidor: A informação adequada e clara sobre os diferentes produtos e serviços, com especificação correta de quantidade, características, composição, qualidade, tributos incidentes e preço, bem como sobre os riscos que apresentem.
8. Estacionamentos são responsáveis por objetos deixados no interior do veículo
- STJ Súmula nº 130: A empresa responde, perante o cliente, pela reparação de dano ou furto de veículo ocorridos em seu estacionamento. Artigo 14 Código de Defesa do Consumidor: O fornecedor de serviços responde, independentemente da existência de culpa, pela reparação dos danos causados aos consumidores por defeitos relativos à prestação dos serviços, bem como por informações insuficientes ou inadequadas sobre sua fruição e riscos. 
9. Se a ligação do celular for interrompida, você pode repeti-la em até 120 segundos
- Resolução nº 604, de 27 de novembro de 2012, aprova alteração no Regulamento do Serviço Móvel Pessoal (SMP) para que chamadas sucessivas feitas de celular para um mesmo número sejam consideradas uma única ligação para efeitos de tarifação. Para serem consideradas sucessivas, as chamadas deverão ser refeitas no intervalo máximo de 120 segundos entre os mesmos números de origem e de destino.
10. Bancos não podem te cobrar por estes serviços
- A regulamentação atualmente em vigor (Resolução CMN 3.919, de 2010) classifica que não pode haver cobrança sobre os seguintes serviços essenciais prestados a pessoas físicas:
Relativamente à conta corrente de depósito à vista:
- Fornecimento de cartão com função débito;
- Fornecimento de segunda via do cartão de débito, exceto nos casos decorrentes de perda, roubo, furto, danificação e outros motivos não imputáveis à instituição emitente
- Realização de até quatro saques, por mês, em guichê de caixa, inclusive por meio de cheque ou de cheque avulso, ou em terminal de autoatendimento;
- Realização de até duas transferências de recursos entre contas na própria instituição, por mês, em guichê de caixa, em terminal de autoatendimento e/ou pela internet;
- Fornecimento de até dois extratos, por mês, contendo a movimentação dos últimos 30 dias por meio de guichê de caixa e/ou terminal de autoatendimento;
- Realização de consultas mediante utilização da internet;
- Fornecimento, até 28 de fevereiro de cada ano, do extrato consolidado, discriminando, mês a mês, os valores cobrados no ano anterior relativos a tarifas;
- Compensação de cheques;
- Fornecimento de até dez folhas de cheques por mês, desde que o cliente reúna os requisitos necessários à utilização de cheques, conforme a regulamentação em vigor e condições pactuadas;
- Prestação de qualquer serviço por meios eletrônicos, no caso de contas cujos contratos prevejam utilizar exclusivamente meios eletrônicos.
Relativamente à conta de depósito de poupança:
- Fornecimento de cartão com função movimentação;
- Fornecimento de segunda via do cartão, exceto nos casos de pedidos de reposição – Formulados pelo correntista, decorrentes de perda, roubo, furto, danificação e outros motivos não imputáveis à instituição emitente;
realização de até dois saques, por mês, em guichê de caixa ou em terminal de autoatendimento;
- Realização de até duas transferências, por mês, para conta de depósitos de mesma titularidade;
- Fornecimento de até dois extratos, por mês, contendo a movimentação dos últimos trinta dias;
- Realização de consultas mediante utilização da internet;
- Fornecimento, até 28 de fevereiro de cada ano, do extrato consolidado, discriminando, mês a mês, os valores cobrados no ano anterior relativos a tarifas;
- Prestação de qualquer serviço por meios eletrônicos, no caso de contas cujos contratos prevejam utilizar exclusivamente meios eletrônicos.
A regulamentação estabelece também que a realização de saques em terminais de autoatendimento em intervalo de até trinta minutos é considerada como um único evento.
Além dos serviços essenciais, também não pode ser cobrada tarifa por liquidação antecipada em operações de crédito e de arrendamento mercantil financeiro pactuadas com pessoas físicas e com microempresas e empresas de pequeno porte de que trata a Lei Complementar 123, de 2006, para contratos assinados a partir de 10.12.2007.

25 de mar. de 2014


Why is it hard to choose one?


Volatile flavoring & pairing kit
The AROMAFORK™ and its set of 21 aromas offers a fascinating olfactive experience that will trick you mind and might even forever change the way you perceive flavors!

Our taste buds can only recognize 5 primary tastes while your nose is capable of distinguishing the subtle flavors of food as aromas reach the back of your palette upon expiration. The AROMAFORK™ provides a flow of aromas upon inhalation, therefore doubling the flavors your brain can analyse!
regular tasting experience
enhanced tasting experience

- 21 selected aromas
- 4 droppers
- 50 diffusing papers
- 1 multi-sensory evening program

List of the aromas included:
  • 3 "Beans" aromas - chocolate, coffee, and vanilla
  • 4 "Fruits" aromas - banana, lychee, passion fruit and strawberry
  • 3 "Herbs" aromas - basil, cilantro and mint
  • 3 "Nuts" aromas - almond, coconut and peanut
  • 4 "Spices" aromas - cinnamon, ginger, jalapeño and wasabi
  • 4 "Umami" aromas - butter, olive oil, smoke and truffle

21 selected aromas

MKB will turn 4 next 04/FEB/2014.

Next April, 2nd this blog is going to turn "4 years old". Because of this great thing I'm going to publish here the links of my most famous posts.. 
Here they are: 

18 de mar. de 2014

Mormons? Who they are?

Sometimes, if an elected official is a member of a religion or other organization with clearly stated beliefs, there is an anxiety among some that he or she will do whatever that religion or organization dictates. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints holds to the idea that church and state are separate entities. We believe that religious authority must not interfere with political matters and that elected officials or civil servants are absolutely free to perform their duties. If there has been any conduct by Mormons that goes against these principles, it has been in violation of the well-settled principles and policy of the Church.
The Lord has "given unto the children of men to be agents unto themselves" (Doctrine and Covenants 104:17). Elected officials and civil servants who are Mormons make their own decisions and may not necessarily be in agreement with publicly stated Church positions. The Church may communicate its views to them, as it may to any other leader, but it recognizes that these men and women must make their own choices based on their best judgment and with consideration of the constituencies they represent.


Community Involvement Means Treating Land With
Besides being citizens of a city and a country, we are all citizens of the earth. God created the beautiful world we live in, and we have a responsibility to respect it. We can show our gratitude for His amazing creation by being aware of the natural resources we consume and working to reduce, reuse, and recycle them—God gave us"dominion over all the beasts of the field," but with that dominion comes the expectation to act responsibly (Moses 5:1). We are entrusted to take care of the earth, not only because it is a gift from God, but because we depend on it for sustenance. Not as many of us grow our own food now as people did before the industrial revolution, so it can be easy to forget how tied we are to the land we live on (All our food comes from the grocery store, right?). We would do well to remember where our bread comes from today. To show our gratitude to God, we try to work to preserve the sustainable use of the earth's beauty and bounty for the generations that follow.


Whether you're an elected official, a public school teacher or an average voter, how you handle your civic duty contributes to the growth or decay of your part of the world. A country, a state or a community is like a family—inevitably imperfect, but as good as the people who make it up. The integrity of a state is built by the hands of its citizens. Just because you can't make your country perfect doesn't mean you're exempt from responsibility. If people of character fail to participate in the political decisions that shape their lives, others with more selfish designs will rush in to fill the void.


When one of the Pharisees asked Jesus what he thought about giving a tribute of money to the government, He said, "Render… unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's" (Matthew 22:21). We owe a debt to our government for the roads we use, the schools our children attend, the law enforcement that keeps us safe and the other services it provides. We owe a debt to God for our very existence and eternal opportunities. We repay these two debts in different ways, and we must honor both of our creditors in order to be worthy of the blessings we enjoy in this life and the ones we are promised in the life to come.

14 de mar. de 2014

A minute..

Sometimes when I'm working a minute looks a long time, while I'm studying too. When I'm having fun it's super fast, but my objective is to share this data with you.. What happens in a minute?
Click on the image to enlarge it

13 de mar. de 2014

12 de mar. de 2014


Some free content from EF EnglishTown. 



Good morning guys,
I'm going to share amazing opportunities with you today. I'll not write a long text only share the links where you can help yourself:

  • https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/sat - "If you’re taking the SAT soon, you can start preparing today with questions from real SATs. After all, we believe all students who want to go to college should be able to prepare for the SAT at their own pace, at absolutely no cost. Download a real, full-length SAT practice test, watch Sal work through real SAT problems, and get even more practice using our interactive exercises, which feature tons of previously-unreleased problems from real SATs grouped by topic and difficulty level. If you feel like you need to brush up on fundamentals, check out the Algebra mission, which will help you master core concepts covered on the SAT, in college, and beyond at your own pace. If you’re taking the SAT in 2016 or later, we have even more exciting news for you. The College Board just announced that they’re redesigning the SAT for 2016, and we’re partnering with them to make free, world-class prep materials. By spring 2015, you’ll have access to state-of-the-art learning tools--exercises, software diagnostics and videos--designed by Khan Academy and College Board specifically for the redesigned SAT. Stay tuned!"
  • http://www.testden.com/TestDEN Practice for TOEFL® Test, TOEIC® Test, and Accent Reduction
  • http://www.satprepgroup.com/learn-more-about-sat-preparation-group-courses - SAT Preparation courses
  • BEST OPPORTUNITY >> http://educationusa.org.br/v2/oportunidades-academicas.php (Brazilians only) - Informações Gerais 
  • Personal Prep Scholars