3 de mai. de 2021

The Work Continues: Religious Liberty Fellows Take Action at Home - By Tanner Bean

 As published at: https://jrcls.org/articles/the-work-continues-religious-liberty-fellows-take-action-at-home

Roughly three months after the 2020 J. Reuben Clark Law Society’s Religious Liberty Fellows convened for a jam-packed day of religious liberty instruction, their plans to further religious liberty in their communities move forward. Representing different areas of the globe and the diversity of Christian, Jewish, and Muslim faith traditions, the Fellows’ action plans are uniquely geared toward their specific communities. 

Ashley Boiteux, of the Dale E. Fowler School of Law at Chapman University, arranged for an interfaith youth activity bringing together Latter-day Saints, Muslims, and Hindus to learn about a world of faith. Cate Grantham and Anna Bryner, of Brigham Young University and its J. Reuben Clark Law School, are neck-deep in a religious liberty website that will provide an accessible video curriculum for undergraduate students across the U.S. Their classmate, Kody Richardson, plans to join forces with them and the BYU Freedom of Religion or Belief Club to launch a social media initiative centered on real-life religious liberty stories. And in Caçador, Santa Catarina, Brazil, Cláudio Antônio Klaus Júnior, of the Universidade Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe, convened a human rights discussion group at his university, the first of many dialogues he hopes to initiate.  

On the east coast, Mark Gillespie of Harvard Law School is nearing completion on a full-length law review article regarding judicial interpretation of COVID-19 restrictions upon religious worship. His classmate, Nayab Khan, plans to create a lecture series at Harvard on similar religious liberty topics. Nearby at the University of Virginia School of Law, Hayley Hahn is moving forward with her efforts to save a sacred site of the Monacan Indian Nation. Additional plans by other Fellows continue.

Inspiration for the Fellows’ plans is partly drawn from their Fellowship instruction last October. Fellows heard from, and networked with, an impressive line-up of thought leaders, including:

  • Professor Steven Collis, University of Texas at Austin School of Law 
  • Brian Grim, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation
  • Professor Robin Fretwell Wilson, University of Illinois College of Law 
  • Jennie Lichter, White House Domestic Policy Counsel 
  • Tanner Bean, Fabian VanCott
  • a panel of current and former congressional staffers from both parties: 
    • Celeste Maloy, Rep. Chris Stewart’s office
    • Ryan Leavitt, Barker Leavitt
    • Matt McGhie, U.S. Senate Assistant Legislative Counsel
    • Tomicah Tilleman, Digital Impact and Governance Initiative at New America
  • Eric Baxter, Becket Fund
  • Judge Ryan D. Nelson, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals 
  • Brady Early, BYU Freedom of Religion or Belief Club

Emely Pérez, one of the 2020 Fellows, current JRCLS LLM student, and La Ceiba City Councilwoman in Honduras, regards the Fellowship among her “greatest honors” and recounts that it gave her “a broader understanding of what religious liberty entails.” Another Fellow, David Banta, of the University of Iowa College of Law, reported he had a “first-rate experience with the Fellowship.” He felt the “presenters were fantastic and varied” and appreciated “the perspective of nonprofits, businesses, and all three branches of government.” Anna Bryner left the Fellowship with the impression that while she still has much to learn, she was “not only inspired but confident [she could] be involved now in promoting religious liberty.” Fellow Cate Grantham called the Fellowship an “an incredible, well-rounded experience” with speakers representing “a broad spectrum of careers and ideologies” and was unaware of any other “fellowship that facilitates small group interaction with many of ‘the greats’ in religious liberty work.”

Held each October in Washington, D.C., the Fellowship is a continuing effort of the Law Society to equip law students and recent law graduates with the tools and networks needed to make a difference for religious liberty in their communities. Fellows are drawn from a broad pool of applicants, primarily from the United States, as the Fellowship focuses on U.S. religious liberty law and policy. 

Source: https://jrcls.org/articles/the-work-continues-religious-liberty-fellows-take-action-at-home

2 de mar. de 2021

28 de fev. de 2021

Virtual Project Arizona - Week 6 - My Experience


    This was the last weekend, we have several contents yet the great highlight for me was the opportunity to share with others what I have learned along with the gratitude to be learning from such an amazing group of people. This wasn't the end: just the beginning! Thank you!

21 de fev. de 2021

Virtual Project Arizona - Week 5 - My Experience


This week we had the chance to start our classes on Saturday speaking about "Three kinds of freedoms" (see picture below), we spoke about different economic theories and the role they may be playing. We had the opportunity to hear from Antonio Saravia and his experiences, especially now researching different aspects of education over time in Latin America. On Sunday we heard from Mary and had the chance to share our essay productions. Finally, we heard from Tom Jenney about his studies and the pipeline of social change, which was actually really interesting when he explained all the points about it.

14 de fev. de 2021

Virtual Project Arizona - Week 4 - My Experience

This week, we started with a class about Karl Popper, a known philosopher who was born in Vienna, on Saturday. We discussed different definitions of what civil societies are; the relation of common interest, cooperation without government necessarily, and the idea of it not being for profit. We also discussed two main models of civil societies, one powered by Lockean ideas and another one powered by Heglian ideas. 

The second session on Saturday was with Christina from Goldwater Institute, a think tank in Arizona. She shared some of her ideas and also her story. She said about how change can start at a local level and also told us about how Arizona has a history of being a prosperous state because of its support for freedom. 

On Sunday morning we had a fantastic session about writing and we had the chance to hear three essays from our classmates that were extremely nice. One of them wrote about the city of Istanbul, he wrote it in such a way that made us feel like we could see the street of the famous Turkey capital. After that, we had the chance to hear the professor reading the essay from our classmate from Sri-Lanka, and that was also very incredible, she described her very personal stories about losing her mother to cancer and being responsible for her household, she is a very inspiring person that has overcome a lot in life. Finally, we heard an essay about when one of our classmates first had the chance to see the ocean and swim in it, he made it with such a richness of details, it was also very good.

The final session was with Frederico and he shared his personal experiences with his studies and some of the history of Argentina. Frederico runs NGOs in two countries; a Think Tank in Europe, and yearly conferences. His experiences were exciting, and he was able to share with us some of his thoughts. He often mentioned something about Brazil in his talks and it was interesting to hear about his connections to my country. 

7 de fev. de 2021

Virtual Project Arizona - Week 3 - My Experience

Week 3 of Project Arizona was another great one. 

Ludwig von Mises

Our first Saturday session was about Mr. von Mises. I didn't know much about him beforehand and it was interesting to hear about this famous economist. I learn then that Brazil has a big institute that helps to share his ideas and ideals. He is an icon for the liberal movement. 

Leadership by Matthew Kwasiborski

In the leadership session, we were able to talk a lot about different aspects of leadership, successful leadership, and how to become better leaders. It was very incredible to hear about Matt's ideas and career too. He shared a lot about his life both in the USA and Europe.

Write Like a Pro: Workshop with Mary Fallon

In Mary's workshop, we talked a lot about descriptive essays and how to improve ours. 

'Entrepreneurial Events' by Tomek Kolodziejczuk

Finally, we learned about ideas to make events. We talked about different tools we can use to improve the likability of people joining the events.

2 de fev. de 2021

Legal Studies in Canada: Interview with Mihai Gheorghe Cioc (Cláudio Antônio Klaus Júnior)

Estudos jurídicos no Canadá: Entrevista com Mihai Gheorghe Cioc

Études juridiques au Canada: entrevue avec Mihai Gheorghe Cioc

Abstract: This interview is with Mihai Gheorghe Cioc, Juris Doctor, a professional working in the legal field who shares his experiences over LinkedIn. Mihai is currently writing the Quebec Bar, and in this interview, he explains the general framework of law school and bar admissions in Canada, some common practices, and briefly discusses the  emergent areas of law in Quebec. 

Keywords: Legal studies. Law school. Canada.


Resumo: A entrevista é com Mihai Gheorge Cioc, Juris Doctor, um profissional que trabalha na área jurídica e compartilha suas experiências através do LinkedIn. Mihai está atualmente realizando o processo de admissão à Ordem dos Advogados da província de Quebec e na entrevista explica, de forma geral, a estrutura da admissão às faculdades de direito, às ordens dos advogados provinciais, práticas comuns e finalmente insights nas áreas do direito que estão crescendo atualmente em sua região do país.

Palavras-chave: Estudos Jurídicos. Faculdade de Direito. Canadá.

Résumé: L'entretien est avec Mihai Gheorghe Cioc, Juris Doctor, un professionnel travaillant dans le domaine juridique et partageant ses expériences sur LinkedIn. Mihai est actuellement a  Barreau du Québec et dans cette interview explique de manière générale le cadre des admissions en droit au Canada, l'admission au barreau, les pratiques courantes et enfin quelques aperçus personnels sur les domaines du droit qui se développent actuellement dans sa région du pays.

Mots-clés: Études juridiques. Faculté de droit. Canada.

Mihai Gheorghe Cioc holds a Bachelors of Laws as well as a Juris Doctor degree from Université de Montréal. He is presently writing the Quebec Bar. 

Mihai currently works as a legal draftsperson and researcher. In his current role, he drafts legal memoranda in regard to the Quebec, Ontario, and Canada Business Corporations Acts, legal documents for the incorporation of SMEs Canada-wide, and articles about corporate law for Quebec and Ontario enterprises. He also conducts ad hoc research mandates in corporate law and D&O responsibility, and translates legal documents in English and French (shareholders’ agreements, NDAs, contracts of services, etc.). 

In 2017, In recognition of his community work to educate youth about the United Nations in Quebec as a co-founder of United Nations Youth of Canada (UNYC), he participated at the 71th Session of the United Nations General Assembly High-Level SDG Action Event on Education where participants reported on the impact of civil society initiatives in achieving the UN Development Goals where he drafted and submitted policy recommendations on the topic of the promotion of inclusive and equitable quality education and fair opportunities for all children.

He is also a very active legal professional on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mihaigheorghecioc. He has over 17 publications on his profile about different aspects of law in Canada.


Claudio: First of all, thank you very much for agreeing to help me out with this interview. As a law student, I am always excited to understand how law school and how becoming an attorney works in other countries and it is definitely exciting to learn about how that works in Canada, thanks a lot. Would you mind starting by introducing yourself and sharing some more of your background?

Mihai: I hold a Bachelor of laws (LL.B) and a Juris Doctor (JD) from Université de Montréal, and I am currently writing the Quebec Bar exams. I am trillingual. In Quebec, it is common for legal professionals to be bilingual.

Quebec is a mixed jurisdiction of civil and common law tradition; somehow similar to the state of Louisiana in the US because of the French colonization.

Canada is a federation comprised of provinces and territories, each of which have authority over certain areas as set forth in the Constitution Acts 1867 to 1982 (the “Act”).

Claudio: For us to start, would you be able to share with me some general information about how Admission / recruitment for law school works in your country?

Mihai: In Quebec, most universities admit candidates to law school based on their transcripts. Quebec law students, upon graduation, acquire a Bachelors of Laws (LL.B.) or a similar diploma (LL.L., or BCL), and law students from the rest of Canada generally acquire a Juris Doctor (J.D.). Specific to the JD, candidates have to obtain an undergraduate diploma and write the LSAT exams before applying to law school. 

Certain universities may have an interview process upon admission. 

Holding a Bachelor of Laws is a prerequisite to writing the Quebec Bar exams and to be admitted to its Law Society. Holding a Juris Doctor is a prerequisite to writing any other Bar exams in Canada and to be admitted in a Law Society. 

Claudio: It is very common for students studying in private universities in Brazil, which are the vast majority of them, to have law school at night while working during the day. How does that work in Canada?

Mihai: In general, classes are given during the day, and the first year of law school is full-time and on a fixed schedule. Beginning with the second year, students may choose to study full-time or part-time and to tailor their schedule. It is not uncommon for students to work while studying, it is what I have done. Whilst in school, I worked as a research assistant, legal draftsperson, and under different roles in the banking industry. 


Claudio: Is it common for law programs to have a mandatory Pro Bono clinic or mandatory internships?

Mihai: No. There are practical classes that are mandatory that may take up the form of a Pro Bono clinic, but other options exist i.e. moot court competitions, judicial internships, etc.  

Claudio: I am aware that Canada, as most countries, has requirements for the legal practice of law, a BAR test or judicial internship, how does that work in Canada? To be admitted to practise law in Brazil, an individual must obtain a Bachelor of Laws degree from an accredited institution. This is a five-year degree. It is then necessary to pass the Brazilian Bar Association Examination. It is not necessary to complete an internship. There is no specific additional requirement to practise as an in-house lawyer.

Mihai: Correct. To practice law as a lawyer, you have to be admitted as a member of the Law Society of the province of your choice. However, certain differences exist  considering that each province is regulated by its own Law Society. Becoming a member of one Law Society only allows its members to practice within the territorial jurisdiction of that Law Society. Thus, it is important to take into consideration before getting into law school and writing the bar.

Claudio: Would you say that exchange programs are common for law students?

Mihai: Very common. 

The most popular exchange programs are available for students during the summer semester. It is also possible to study abroad for 1 semester, either the fall or winter semester. Certain eligibility criteria apply to be admitted to these programs, for example, a minimum GPA. 

Claudio: Would you say that there are some specific areas of law that are more in prominence these days in your region?

Mihai: The Montreal Metropolitan Area offers a diverse legal market since it is the economic heart of the province of Quebec. Besides multinational firms, the market is characterized by a large pool of SMEs. Montreal is also a tech-hub, particularly in the field of AI and video games, therefore, IP is an area that rarely experiences scarcity.

After Chicago, the Montreal Court House is the busiest court of justice in all North America: we do love our litigation!

Privacy, insurance, labour and business law seem to have been positively influenced  by the current global pandemic of the COVID19. There has been an increase in commercial litigation and class actions that started before the pandemic; an increase that continued notwithstanding the circumstances. 

Many legal techs have been founded since the beginning of the pandemic too.  

Claudio: Are there some other aspects of the legal studies in your country you would consider important to point out?

Mihai: For anyone who wishes to study or practice law in Quebec, mastering Moliere’s language is a prerequisite. 

Claudio: Thank you very much for your time and willingness to provide me with this information, I appreciate it. In an age with an ever-increasing interest in globalization, global policies in different areas of law and privacy, and a desire to be able to act as attorneys in different jurisdictions, the interview brings relevant information about the theme and allows people to understand such a career path. 

Canada is getting a lot of attention in the legal field as Brazil starts to learn about data privacy with the newly enacted law “LGPD”, professionals and associations representing Canada in Brazil. 

According to the data provided by the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada, Canada is now the largest destination for Brazilian students abroad. It is estimated that, in 2017, at least 23,000 Brazilians went to Canada to study. Canada’s policies of education also make available scholarships and other resources for international students, Brazilians are mainly benefited by the Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP). 

I see establishing such partnerships and connections as a very important task for the upcoming months as we can exchange information and learn from one another. Hopefully, in a new health situation soon. Cheers! 

Cláudio Antônio Klaus Júnior

Estudar Direito pelo Mundo | @klaus.law

31 de jan. de 2021

Virtual Project Arizona - Week 2 - My Experience

On the weekend of January 30th and 31st, I had the 2nd week of Virtual Project Arizona. We followed the same pattern of classes as last week's. My favorite session, like last week, was the one "Writing like a Pro" with Professor Mary Fallon. During this week, we submitted essays about our countries, and during the session on Sunday, we reviewed them. I was very impressed to learn about the history of Rwanda, the genocide that happened there, and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda - IRMCT that judged the perpetrators of the genocide. I wasn't aware of that, I actually felt sorry that we only study the history of Europe while in school - I started to ponder how much we don't get taught about what happened in Asia, Oceania, Africa. 

We talked a lot about the power of writing, if we stop and look all that is written is evidence. After hearing about Rwanda, we all had the chance to hear about the country of Georgia. Another country I didn't know a whole lot about. We went on to different topics and the professor mentioned the time when one of her student was a camel herder. We went on discussing different places and understanding what was the reality of people in different places, we even went on to mention the overuse of technology and the lack of face to face communication that goes on often in the younger generations around the globe. Even though my internet connection wasn't very helpful and would often stop working this Sunday, I was able to get most of this session.

In the Sunday afternoon session, we had the chance to hear from Founder & Executive Director of the Scala Foundation. She started the session sharing her personal story traveling to Cuba taking stuff to several people. Her story is very moving as she has several hardships in her experiences. Back in the year when she visited Cuba they weren't allowed to own a DVD player, for example. She explained a lot about her ideas, and projects. Second week was great as well. I had a great time regardless of my connection issues, happily the sessions are being recorded and I will be able to rewatch them eventually.

I hope you have a great week and I also hope you are enjoying to read my reports on each week!

24 de jan. de 2021

Virtual Project Arizona - Week 1 - My Experience

On the weekend of January 23rd and 24th, I had the first week of the Virtual Project Arizona. The program is officially described in the following manner: "Project Arizona is a semester-long program for young, outstanding leaders of global freedom change. In Phoenix, these international talents attend meaningful internships, academic seminar at Arizona State University (ASU), where they experience wide-ranging and valuable networking. They gain a thorough understanding of the ideas of liberty and how to implement them when they return to their communities." This year, due to COVID-19 and travel bans, the program is being held online. 

The first weekend was really good and well planned, we have 2 sessions each day of one hour and a half each with a thirty-minute break between them, which I think is really well spaced and good to keep attention and focus. The participants are from several different areas of the world, including Sri Lanka, India, Rwanda, Brazil, Peru, Nigeria, and Georgia.

About my participation: I didn't hear about the program until about 2 or 3 days before the deadline and considering that there were many options for internships in law firms (and considering that I am in law school), I decided to apply. When I was invited to the interview, I made sure to first understand better what the program was all about and it is very much related to the libertarian movement. 

That actually made me question whether I had any political orientation clearly that I could really say that I agreed with or even if there was a "side" I was more aligned with, that triggered me to want to best understand the movement, and Project Arizona has surely shown to be a great opportunity. After the interviews, we had a couple of weeks to reach out to different people and organizations to fundraise. Finally, the results were out and I was selected.

Our first lecture, on Saturday, was about Laissez-Faire society and in that session, I learned more about the historical background of the movement and some of the main authors and motivations for the libertarian movement. Disclaimer: I am not 100% sure if it is correct to call it a movement, I will do it just for descriptive purposes.

Saturday afternoon the session was on leadership and I really enjoyed it, I mean, the topic is already something I am really passionate about, and having the chance to talk with an NGO CEO and Founder was just incredible. She shared with us about her passion for everything she has been doing and insightful ideas on using your education, network, and work experience to build things and make things work out for a cause.

On Sunday, in the morning, our session was on "Writing like a pro" and we had some training about essay writing, which was lovely and incredible. A sweet retired professor was leading the workshop and she guided us through the path of writing an essay - that was especially cool because I am studying writing and reading techniques for my TESOL Certificate. 

The afternoon session was about event promoting and other topics related to bringing ideas to the table and having meaningful conversations with society, we discussed different policies, the news regarding our countries and that was very interesting. The speaker also shared about his entrepreneurial journey with policy influencing; it was nice to see how he mentioned that he didn't want to go directly into politics, yet, he was willing to make a change in his community, and he did. He shared about some of his successful campaigns and that was great. He ended his session with a great quote: "When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat." by Ronald Reagan.

I thought it was a very productive first week and I am enjoying the program very much. Thanks a lot for the organizers to make this possible.

20 de jan. de 2021

NY BAR (NYSBA - New York State Bar Association) E A VIDA APÓS O LL.M - Entrevista com a Dra. Bruna Maronesi


Entrevista com a Dra. Bruna Maronesi - Advogada licenciada na Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil e no estado de Nova York (EUA). Com mais de 07 anos de experiência jurídica, Bruna Maronesi é licenciada tanto no Brasil, quanto no estado de Nova York, EUA, para exercer a advocacia. Graduada em Direito pela Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso e pós-graduada em Direito Internacional pela Universidade de Miami, Bruna atua com foco em Direito Internacional, Empresarial e Contratual, bem como em transações imobiliárias. Website: https://www.brunamaronesi.com/ 

Na entrevista, falamos sobre a carreira educacional da Dra. Bruna, sua experiência no LL.M e também sobre a prova do New York Bar, também abordamos aspectos da carreira após o LL.M.


Como funciona o LL.M? O Mestrado em Direito nos EUA, não é reconhecido como grau de mestre no Brasil (em realidade, nenhum grau jurídico oferecido nos EUA é reconhecido como correspondente a mestrado ou doutorado no Brasil; seja o LLM (Legun Magister – Master of Laws), SJD (Scientiae Juridicae Doctor – Doctor of Juridical Science) ou o JSD (Júris Scientiae Dactor – Doctor of the Science of Law). 

Os master em direito têm um ano de duração e são oferecidos em universidades de todo o mundo. O Education USA, sobre o tema, escreveu o seguinte: "O Latin Legum Magister (LL.M) ou Master of Laws é um diploma em Direito reconhecido no mundo inteiro e é um ótimo caminho para advogados que buscam uma carreira internacional.  O curso, que tem sido cada vez mais buscado por profissionais de direito, é uma especialização após a formação básica feita na pós-graduação nos Estados Unidos. Além de incrementar o currículo, quem cursa o LL.M. têm a possibilidade de, em alguns estados americanos, realizar o exame da American Bar Association, a OAB dos EUA."

Para acessar o site do Education USA com diversos detalhes sobre os programas de LL.M: https://www.educationusa.org.br/como-funcionam-os-llms/

O Advogado Rodrigo Padilha também escreveu em seu site sobre "Como advogar nos EUA sendo formado no Brasil?" No artigo, ele menciona: para trabalhar na área de direito nos Estados Unidos, você tem 3 opções: 1. Ser um paralegal; 2. Ser um consultor de direito estrangeiro; 3. Ser advogado.

Além disso, a Dra. Talitha Krenk também apresenta diversos detalhes sobre sua caminhada sobre estudar direito nos EUA depois de ser uma advogada habilitada no Brasil. Recomendo conhecer o website dela para ler as experiências que são compartilhadas por lá: https://www.talithakrenk.com/

Em um post ela fala especificamente sobre as diferenças que existem entre os tipos de degree: "LL.B., J.D., LL.M. e S.J.D., o que significam essas siglas nos Estados Unidos ?" https://www.talithakrenk.com/2019/03/llb-jd-llm-e-sjd-o-que-significam-essas.html

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15 de jan. de 2021

Minha experiência de Estudos: Bacharelado em Relações Internacionais no Centro Universitário Uninter (RI à distância - UNINTER)


Como foi, o que é, minha experiência, detalhes sobre os programas, etc

  • Matérias
    Na minha experiência considerei a maioria das matérias muito bem dadas, com exceção de algumas disciplinas onde eu, assim como diversos colegas, pensamos que o ensino ficou a desejar e contactamos a tutoria, mas de modo geral as matérias foram muito pertinentes e bem dadas. O material de apoio disponibilizado online também era muito bom.

    As matérias contam com material de apoio (pdf), material no site, videoaulas e também livros impressos. A forma de avaliação é através de APOLs e provas presenciais (online durante a pandêmia). As APOLs são breves provas com consulta.

   Existem ainda matérias que são oferecidas em português e inglês, como por exemplo, Empresas Transnacionais, podendo o estudante optar por assistir as aulas e ler o material em inglês ou português.

  • Contato com a coordenação do curso

    Sempre que foi necessário algum contato com a coordenação, tive respostas rápidas e fui atendido com muita atenção e respeito. 

  • Tutoria 

    O contato com a tutoria, de modo geral, era fácil. Por duas vezes, não foi possível que ajudassem no que eu estava solicitando, entretanto, foram casos isolados. Em uma ocasião sobre uma matéria onde haviam sido pulados conceitos mencionados em aula e outra ocasião sobre assunto específico em matéria.  

  • Livros Impressos

    Uma das questões que gostei muito foi receber os livros impressos, cada disciplina possui um livro próprio e eles são entregues impressos para o pólo e depois cada acadêmico retira o seu.

    Mesmo na modalidade EaD, pude realizar atividade voluntárias junto ao NUPRI, a atuação deu-se por meio de pesquisas diversas coordenadas por uma das professoras.

    A UNINTER realiza o ENFOC, um evento científico, anualmente (ou a cada dois anos) possibilitando que os estudantes participem de um evento científico, publiquem seus trabalhos e também apresentam.  

  • Curso de Idiomas oferecido pela instituição (U-best)

    A UNINTER também oferece um curso de idiomas grátis para todos os acadêmicos.

    O Programa de Iniciação Científica (PIC) da UNINTER é bem estruturado, na minha experiência, foi levado de forma muito organizada. Em 2019, os pesquisadores da modalidade EaD não participavam das reuniões mensais; em 2020, diante do cenário da pandemia, as reuniões foram transferidas para a plataforma online e foi possível a participação. A orientação do professor responsável acontece sob demanda e ao final de cada semestre é necessário submeter um relatório com as publicações, participações em eventos, congressos, etc.

   Meu intercâmbio também foi virtual com aulas na UPAEP do México. Iniciando em Janeiro de 2021, cursei as matérias Derecho Internacional e Seminario de Titulación na UPAEP. As aulas tem um ritmo acelerado e são, por óbvio, em espanhol (embora existam opções de matérias em inglês!). A apoio dos responsáveis pelo intercâmbio na UNINTER e também não UPAEP são muito efetivos e tem respondido minhas solicitações sempre na mesma semana. As aulas são ao vivo, pela plataforma Blackboard na disciplina de Derecho Internacional e pelo Zoom na matéria de Seminário de Titulación.

  • Realização de estágio não obrigatório

   Durante o curso, realizei um estágio no Registro de Imóveis de minha cidade. As informações na plataforma foram bastante claras e o termo de estágio foi rapidamente aprovado.

   Você pode clicar no link acima para ler a notícia da minha participação em um evento internacional. 

Abaixo, meu cartão de convite para desconto na UNINTER. O número de RU é 2584915.

Por Cláudio Antônio Klaus Júnior

6 de jan. de 2021

Estudar Direito pelo Mundo - Agora no Spotify

Agora minhas entrevistas estão disponíveis também no Spotify:


Estudar Direito Pelo Mundo @klaus.law


Tags: Direito no exterior | Direito pelo mundo | Estudar direito no exterior | Estudar direito fora | Estudar direito fora do Brasil | Estudar direito na gringa | Estudar direito fora do Brasil | Estudar Direito nos EUA | Estudar direito no Canadá | Estudar direito no Exterior | Intercâmbio no curso de direito | PODCAST Estudar Direito pelo Mundo

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1 de jan. de 2021

Eventos do Duolingo para ajudar a praticar os idiomas que você está aprendendo! [Duolingo Events]

    Se você ainda não participou dos eventos do Duolingo, chegou a hora.

    Os Eventos Duolingo são pequenos encontros linguísticos organizados por falantes fluentes em um ambiente divertido e descontraído 100% gratuito.

    Os alunos praticam a conversação - sejam exploradores aprendendo novas culturas, oportunidades de expansão de candidatos a emprego ou linguistas conectando-se uns aos outros.

    Visite https://events.duolingo.com/ para mais detalhes.

    Fiz um vídeo aqui falando brevemente sobre os eventos como uma oportunidade para praticar inglês mesmo estando no Brasil

    Mas se você gostaria de saber mais sobre um evento do Duolingo, deixa eu contar um pouco mais sobre a minha experiência como host:

    Primeiramente, é importante eu mencionar que ser um host do Duolingo foi algo que comecei antes da pandemia. Em 2019, os eventos eram presenciais e fui um host de eventos para falantes de português que estavam aprendendo inglês no município de Caçador-SC.

    28 de junho de 2019: Eu fui entrevistado e tive um treinamento para saber como funciona a atividade dos hosts, regras gerais, como tornar os eventos mais atrativos, etc

    Felizmente, em minha cidade, já existiam pessoas se reunindo para praticar inglês. Eu fiz a proposta de nos reunirmos em eventos Duolingo, pudemos nos encontrar em parques, restaurantes e praticamos inglês. Foi uma ótima experiências poder compartilhar nossas habilidades no idioma para melhorar a fluência uns dos outros.

   O Duolingo sempre foi muito gentil e nos enviava swag de tempos em tempos; os eventos geralmente tinham um tema específico que discutíamos. A ideia é que todos pudessem participar de alguma forma, podendo praticar aquilo que sabiam do idioma. Depois dos eventos, eu fazia um breve relatório com fotos e colocava no Slack oficial dos hosts de eventos do Duolingo.

    Halloween 2020: No dia 31/10/2020 o nosso evento foi com tema Halloween e devido a migração dos eventos para as plataformas online, tivemos pessoas de todo o mundo juntando-se ao nosso evento! A experiência foi memorável e pudemos falar sobre como cada um de nós celebrava o Halloween, tivemos um participante do Japão, um da Polônia, um do México e uma participante dos Estados Unidos. 


Estou animado com o que virá em 2021!

  Bônus: Em fevereiro de 2020, participei, como representante das comunidades de professores e também de host do Duolingo de um treinamento em Calgary, Canadá. O treinamento ocorreu no escritório da Microsoft e foi realizado pela ONG Kids Code Jeunesse, uma organização com a ousada missão de ensinar as crianças do Canadá a programarem. No evento, um curso voltado para robótica básica, pude distribuir o Swag que o Duolingo havia disponibilizado. Na ocasião, me senti um verdadeiro embaixador da marca!

    O evento gerou uma entrevista muito bacana com uma das instrutoras que pode ser lida no seguinte link: https://periodicos.ufpel.edu.br/ojs2/index.php/interfaces/article/view/19022

29 de dez. de 2020

Direito na Irlanda (com Barry Crushell) | Law in Ireland (with Barry Crushell)

An interview hosted by Claudio Antonio Klaus Junior with Barry Crushell

Uma entrevista de Claudio Antonio Klaus Junior com Barry Crushell

Bio: Principal Solicitor at Crushell & Co, a specialist firm advising on the application of law in the Irish workplace. Doctorate in Law candidate focusing on the jurisdiction of the Workplace Relations Commission in Ireland. Admitted to practice law in multiple jurisdictions (The Law Society of Ireland; The Law Society of Northern Ireland; and The Law Society of England and Wales). A non-executive director providing strategic human resources and employment law advice. A former army officer with considerable leadership and management experience.

Video in both Portuguese and English!


10 de dez. de 2020



This article seeks to bring a history of sustainability as a concept and to inform about global programs such as the Global Entrepreneurship Summer School about sustainability in a holistic approach to its three dimensions. It also addresses perceptions and results from the networking and international partnerships found throughout the event. It is about addressing the relationship between the events focused on social entrepreneurship and sustainability. This study's aim is to share the impact of summer school programs as an incentive for education internationally, including the achievement of the Sustainable Development Education 4: Quality Education. The current work also verifies the incentive for the teaching of skills such as creativity, entrepreneurship, and fundraising in an international manner. From this experience and in the light of the international immersion with the contributions of the other participants and the enhancement promoted by the University of Western Cape. For the development of this work, we first analyze a history of sustainability and its three dimensions. Next, consumerism, blue economy, and social entrepreneurship are briefly discussed, and then the role of the Global Entrepreneurship Summer School is explored and elucidated the types of projects developed within the framework of the program. Finally, we relate the subjects to analyze the impact of such programs to enhance education and teaching. 

Keywords: International Education, Summer School, Sustainability


Dieser Artikel betrachtet verschiedene Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeit und geht hierbei im ersten Teil auf deren Historie sowie die drei Dimensionen der Nachhaltigkeit in. Der zweite Teil betrachtet die Themen Konsum, Blue Economy und soziales Unternehmertum. In diesem Zusammenhang wird die Global Entrepreneurship Summer School vorgestellt und die damit einhergehenden Programme. Im Vordergrund steht dabei einerseits die unterschiedliche Wahrnehmung, andererseits das Entstehen internationaler Partnerschaften und Netzwerke. Im Anschluss werden die vorgestellten Themen in Beziehung zueinander gesetzt und die Möglichkeiten solcher Programme hinsichtlich Weiterbildung und Lehre analysiert. Ziel dieses Artikels ist es, die nachhaltige Wirkung von Summer School Programmen, vor allem in Bezug auf die internationale Zusammenarbeit aber auch hinsichtlich Kompetenzvermittlung, Kreativität, Unternehmertum und Fundraising auf internationaler Ebene, zu analysieren.

SCHLÜSSELWÖRTERInternationale Bildung, Sommerschulprogramme, Nachhaltigkeit, Networking 

DOI: https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v8.i5.2020.195

Klaus, C. A., Bonin, J. C., Hülse, L., dos Santos, A. M., & Baade, J. H. (2020). THE HISTORY OF SUSTAINABILITY AND THE CASE OF THE GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP SUMMER SCHOOL: AN INCENTIVE TO INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH8(5), 230-240. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v8.i5.2020.195

8 de dez. de 2020

Coding, SDGs and Education: How Canada is preparing the next generation for global citizenship - An interview with Zoë Decker


Coding, SDGs and Education: How Canada is preparing the next generation for global citizenship - An interview with Zoë Decker

Cláudio Antônio Klaus Junior


Texto completo:


DOI: HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.15210/INTERFACES.V20I0.19022

Revista Interfaces Brasil/Canadá | V. 20 (2020) | ISSN eletrônico: 1984-5677 | ISSN impresso: 1519-0994      

Coding, SDGs and Education: How Canada is preparing the next generation for global citizenship - An interview with Zoë Decker

Codificação, ODS e Educação: Como o Canadá está preparando a próxima geração para a cidadania global - Uma entrevista com Zoë Decker

Codage, ODD et éducation: comment le Canada prépare la prochaine génération à la citoyenneté mondiale - Entrevue avec Zoë Decker

Cláudio Antonio Klaus Junior 1

Abstract: The interview is with Zöe Decker, Masters in Geology, a professional working with the Global Goals after a diverse study experience in Canada, Iceland, and South Africa. Zöe now shared the mission of teaching digital literacy to all kids with the organization which she works for Kids Code Jeunesse. In the interview, she gives her personal viewpoints on coding, SDGs, and education explaining how Canada is preparing the next generation for global citizenship. During the interview, much of the work, mission, and goals of Kids Code Jeunesse is explained.

Keywords: Coding. Global Goals. Canada.

Resumo: A entrevista é com Zöe Decker, Mestre em Geologia, uma profissional que trabalha com os Objetivos Globais após uma experiência de estudo diversificada no Canadá, Islândia e África do Sul. Zöe agora compartilha a missão de ensinar alfabetização digital a todas as crianças com a organização em que trabalha Kids Code Jeunesse. Na entrevista, ela apresenta seus pontos de vista pessoais sobre codificação, ODS e educação, explicando como o Canadá está preparando a próxima geração para a cidadania global. Durante a entrevista, grande parte do trabalho, missão e objetivos da Kids Code Jeunesse são explicados.

Palavras-chave: Codificação. Objetivos Globais. Canadá.

Résumé: L'entrevue avec Monsieur Zöe Decker, Master en géologie, un professionnel travaillant avec les objectifs de développement, après avoir eu une expérience d'étude diversifiée au Canada, en Islande et en Afrique du Sud. Zöe a partagé la mission d'enseigner l'alphabétisation numérique à tous les enfants avec l'organisation dont elle travaille pour Kids Code Jeunesse. Dans l'interview, elle donne ses points de vue personnels sur le codage, les ODD et l'éducation expliquant comment le Canada prépare la prochaine génération à la citoyenneté mondiale. Au cours de l'entretien, une grande partie du travail, de la mission et des objectifs de Kids Code Jeunesse a été expliquée. 

Mots-clés: codage. Objectifs du développement durable. Canada.