21 de fev. de 2014


Today I'm going to share two amazing projects!
UNICEF Tap Project is a project sponsored by Giorgio Armani. The challenge is stay 10 minutes without touch in your phone.

"For every 10 minutes you don’t touch your phone, our sponsor can provide one day of clean water for a child in need." - http://tap.unicefusa.org/

                                                              EARTH HOUR 

20 de fev. de 2014


Hello Guys,
Take a look and learn "How the Brain benefits from being bilingual?" shared by Memrise.com facebook's page:
Click on the ideographic to enlarge it. ( http://www.bhlingual.com/brain-benefits-bilingual-infographic/ )

What is Memrise?

Memrise is an online learning community where one can learn almost anything in the world, entirely for free! Through just the right mix of science, fun and community, learning on Memrise is speedy, enjoyable and lasts.

What is the science behind Memrise? Why is it effective?

Memrise is based on several important scientific discoveries about how we learn. First, our system of mems (mnemonics and memory aids) promotes elaborate encoding- encouraging the learning brain to do more by engaging the imagination, and thus helping lay down stronger, more durable memories.
Secondly, Memrise makes use of Spaced Repetition, helping you review items at expertly spaced intervals to help you maintain them in memory in the most efficient manner possible. Reminders space out in time as your knowledge for an item gets deeper, meaning you don't forget, but don't waste time reviewing what you already know.
Third, Memrise systematically exploits the Testing Effect, which shows that by actively recalling a memory, you strengthen it. Because the degree of strengthening to a memory correlates with the difficulty of the test, Memrise automatically makes the tests more difficult over time, again helping you boost your learning in the best way possible.
Memrise is a new way to learn and to memorize. Try it.
This text above you can find at: http://www.memrise.com/about/ I do recommend, and I know many people who learned their 2nd and 3rd language with this tool. I'm using it fro English more than Spanish, but I can sincerely say that I remember what I saw there. The words, the sentences, the pictures - everything.
Memrise.com, access it!
See ya!

Opinião Sincera: EnglishTown

Hello everybody, today I'm going to write in Portuguese.
Vou começar hoje a escrever minha opinião sobre assuntos dversos o tema de hoje é: ENGLISHTOWN.
English Town é um curso online com ótimas recomendações na internet e super famoso. Provavelmente você lembra do comercial da "gringofobia"?! Realmente não posso reclamar do atendimento da EF. Professores nativos com aulas de hora em hora e essays com feedback além de certificado a cada nível concluído a cada nível.

Após parar meus estudos de lingua inglesa na EnglishTown senti a necessidade de compartilhar minha experiência.
O motivo que me fez dar 4 estrelas foi a redação. A redação é uma ótima ferramenta com feedback de profissionais da lingua inglesa. O problema? A quantidade de caracteres!

Parte do compromisso com o leitor é sempre deixar público e explícito no post se o mesmo é pago ou voluntário.
Mas de uma coisa ninguém pode reclamar da Englishtown: O conteúdo online free.
Aulas no seu e-mail;
Seguem alguns links dos artigos mais interessantes:

19 de fev. de 2014


Hello Guys,
I'm going to show you a very useful website that all the English learners must know, it is EnglishExperts.
I recommend this website because there you, Portuguese native speaker, can find many tips, grammar, podcasts and articles. Thy also have amazing e-books, that are very good, have good quality and low price.
If you want to take a look at the English Experts E-Books store, click here.

I really hope you love it as I do!
See ya!

18 de fev. de 2014

English Fluency Now - Podcasts to improve your English

Hello Guys,
I have one tip for you who wants to improve your English and it is: http://englishfluencynow.com/ 
Very cool and free podcasts! I'll post an exclusive e-mail course, If you want to have it just continue reading. How often do you practice your listening skills? With a podcast you can practice many times during the day, at the gym, in the way to school or to work, or anywhere you could use headphones. This is a very useful tool. Now let me post the e-mail course with 7 tips to improve your English:

LISTEN, LISTEN, LISTEN - Strategy for English Fluency 1 - Audio (MP3)  Strategy for English Fluency 1 - Text (PDF)
REPETITION FOR DEEP LEARNING - Strategy for English Fluency 2 - Audio (MP3) Strategy for English Fluency 2 - Text (PDF)
WHY ARE YOU LEARNING ENGLISH ? - Strategy for English Fluency 3 - Audio (MP3) Strategy for English Fluency 3  - Text (PDF)
BUILD VOCABULARY WITH PHRASES - Strategy for English Fluency 4 - Audio (MP3)
Strategy for English Fluency 4  - Text (PDF),
LEARN WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO YOU! - I have only the TEXT (PDF). Strategy for English Fluency 5.
AUDIO AND VISUAL FOR LEARNING FASTER - Strategy for English Fluency 6 - Audio (MP3) Strategy for English Fluency 6  - Text (PDF)
USE IT. MISTAKES ARE OKAY! - Strategy for English Fluency 7 - Audio (MP3) Strategy for English Fluency 7  - Text (PDF)

I really hope you enjoy it, because I do recommend!
See ya!

17 de fev. de 2014


Hello Guys,
Today I'm going to explain a little about Real Life English and English Lifestyle. English Lifestyle is to use it and get an immersion in the English language in your real life, in your house, at school or at work. Over the internet there are thousands of contents teaching how to use the English in you every day life, I do recommend you to take a look at this kind of article!

There is a special, supercool and awesome website that could help you with it!
Would you like to guess its name? RealLife English.
They provide English tips, videos and podcasts for FREE with only one purpose: HELP YOU TO BECAME FLUENT!
I really love and enjoy a lot RealLife content! Would you like to try?
I'm going to list some of the most interesting articles/podcats/videos:

And if you want to join the Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reallifeenglish/!

16 de fev. de 2014

Ustream - Practice your English skills at home!

If you are looking for a website to watch TV in English but you want to choose what to watch: http://www.ustream.tv/! Ustream is an awesome tool for those who are learning English and want to watch something different.

And If you think that just watch isn't enough GOOGLE HELPOUTS is the answer to all your problems! There you can schedule classes of everything and learn a lot!

15 de fev. de 2014

It's not easy to live when you have ADHD and Dyscalculia! (But it can be fun!)

As incredible as it sound I have ADHD and I can live as a normal person, I just can't keep calm! LOL
It's not so easy when someone ask you 2x5 and you keep waiting the one who asked you to answer, but IT's OK I have Dyscalculia

14 de fev. de 2014

Lumosity - Brain workout


Neuroplasticity is how the brain is capable of change.

Lumosity is an awesome website to workout your brain. It was developed with many professionals. There is science behind Lumosity! There is a short text written by the Lumosity's team:


Several studies have been published on Lumosity's ability to improve key abilities such as working memory, visual attention, and executive function in people of different ages and from different backgrounds.

Developed by neuroscientists

Lumosity's groundbreaking program is based on extensive research in the field of neuroplasticity. Our in-house R&D team works with researchers from several of the nation's top universities to learn as much as possible about enhancing human cognition through Lumosity training.
Here is a print screen of my account home:
There is also a wikipedia text where you can read more about the effectiveness:


There is no scientific consensus on the benefits of brain training for medical conditions in the clinical environment. Studies of Lumosity's effectiveness have shown mixed results.
Some have shown benefits from the use of Lumos Labs cognitive training:
  • Dr. Shelli Kesler and colleagues at Stanford University found improved cognitive performance and corresponding increases in brain activity in the pre-frontal cortex in survivors of childhood cancer following training with Lumosity. Participants who trained with Lumosity showed significantly improved processing speed, cognitive flexibility, verbal and visual declarative memory scores.
  • Kesler et. al demonstrated enhanced math skills and cognitive performance with corresponding changes in brain activity in individuals with Turner syndrome following training with Lumosity.
  • Kesler et. al found that women whose breast cancer had been treated with chemotherapy demonstrated improved executive function, such as cognitive flexibility, verbal fluency and processing speed after Lumosity training. This work is published in Clinical Breast Cancer. 
  • Psychologist Maurice Finn and Skye McDonald from the University of New South Wales found that patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) who trained with Lumosity improved their sustained attention relative to controls. MCI is considered a precursor condition to Alzheimer’s disease, and this is the first report of cognitive enhancement with training in this population.
If you want to know more I'd like to list some website where you can find more informations:

13 de fev. de 2014

Cool website for English learners and teachers!

These are some of the English posters I saw at BUSYTEACHER.ORG a very cool website for those who are teaching and learning English. Read them:  

We are always needing some motivation in our life, I hope I could make you a little more motivated.
I'll share some links of things I liked:

The best thing about this website is that it always share articles, activities for classroom, ESL website reviews, word search creator, double puzzle, and many other things for free and books (payd)
Some print screens:


12 de fev. de 2014

Google Play App of the month

Yesterday I started to do something that I think that could be called a project (Windows Store App of the month) BUT I saw that it is also iteresting to show the Android apps I like the most, so I'm going to start the "Google Play App of the month". This App InstaWeather  is a cool alternative to get a different thing in your instaPhotos. Thank you guys for reading!

Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge

See you 2morrow!

11 de fev. de 2014

USA Naturalization - Windows Store App of the month!

Are you interested in teh U.S. history and politics and everything about this amazing country (I LOVE Brazil, I'm just trying to show that every country has anything good, so don't think that I'm someone who is addicted to the U.S. Culture and folk, just an admirator!) I'll try to suggest you every month a different Windows store app. This "thing" will be called "Windows Store App of the month!" So let me show you some print screens of this great and cool app:

Thanks for reading!

10 de fev. de 2014

Portuguese Day

Today I'm going to post an important information in Portuguese:

Tema da redação para o Jovem Senador 2014 já está definido

“Se eu fosse Senador...” será o tema para o 7º Concurso de Redação do Senado Federal - 2014.

O tema para o 7º Concurso de Redação do Senado Federal - 2014 será “Se eu fosse Senador...”. A divulgação oficial foi feita pelo Senador Paulo Davim, presidente da Comissão do Projeto deste ano, no último dia 18/11, durante a cerimônia de Premiação dos Jovens Senadores de 2013 em Brasília.
A cada edição um novo tema é escolhido pela Coordenação de Relações Públicas e pela Secretaria-Geral da Mesa e deve ser um assunto relacionado aos tópicos de civismo e patriotismo e que convide à reflexão sobre o exercício da cidadania, conforme art. 5º da Resolução nº42/2010, do Senado Federal.
Dúvidas e pedidos de informações adicionais podem ser encaminhados para a Equipe organizadora no seguinte endereço jovemsenador@senado.leg.br.

8 de fev. de 2014

EIP - English Immersion Program 2013

Hello guys, today I'm going to write about a very cool experience I had last year: THE ENGLISH IMMERSION U.S.A. (PROGRAM) 3013. EIP was such a great experience, it's hard to express in words what I felt and how I was invited to that, in my opinion experiences are indescribable. It happened 'cause of the Youth Ambassadors program, a supercool opportunity for young people who volunteer and study at high school (with ages from 15 to 18), who wants to apply must be always taking a look at the Jovens Embaixadores facebook page to see when the application form are opened. When you finish your appliment there will be some steps of a big process. First of all you will receive an email saying that you are ready to apply with documents, recommendation letters and personal data. If you fill the requirements you will be selected by an "PI" (Partner Institution) than you'll go to a specific place to take an oral and written English test about leadership and questions about you. There will be a national selection an some of the teenagers will be chosen to became Youth Ambassadors :) The others will be invited to the EIP!
 This is a short cool video with some of the photos:

EIs from Santa Catarina
If you want to see more pictures: http://meuklausblog.blogspot.com.br/2013/07/eip-photos.html