17 de fev. de 2014


Hello Guys,
Today I'm going to explain a little about Real Life English and English Lifestyle. English Lifestyle is to use it and get an immersion in the English language in your real life, in your house, at school or at work. Over the internet there are thousands of contents teaching how to use the English in you every day life, I do recommend you to take a look at this kind of article!

There is a special, supercool and awesome website that could help you with it!
Would you like to guess its name? RealLife English.
They provide English tips, videos and podcasts for FREE with only one purpose: HELP YOU TO BECAME FLUENT!
I really love and enjoy a lot RealLife content! Would you like to try?
I'm going to list some of the most interesting articles/podcats/videos:

And if you want to join the Facebook community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/reallifeenglish/!

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