14 de fev. de 2014

Lumosity - Brain workout


Neuroplasticity is how the brain is capable of change.

Lumosity is an awesome website to workout your brain. It was developed with many professionals. There is science behind Lumosity! There is a short text written by the Lumosity's team:


Several studies have been published on Lumosity's ability to improve key abilities such as working memory, visual attention, and executive function in people of different ages and from different backgrounds.

Developed by neuroscientists

Lumosity's groundbreaking program is based on extensive research in the field of neuroplasticity. Our in-house R&D team works with researchers from several of the nation's top universities to learn as much as possible about enhancing human cognition through Lumosity training.
Here is a print screen of my account home:
There is also a wikipedia text where you can read more about the effectiveness:


There is no scientific consensus on the benefits of brain training for medical conditions in the clinical environment. Studies of Lumosity's effectiveness have shown mixed results.
Some have shown benefits from the use of Lumos Labs cognitive training:
  • Dr. Shelli Kesler and colleagues at Stanford University found improved cognitive performance and corresponding increases in brain activity in the pre-frontal cortex in survivors of childhood cancer following training with Lumosity. Participants who trained with Lumosity showed significantly improved processing speed, cognitive flexibility, verbal and visual declarative memory scores.
  • Kesler et. al demonstrated enhanced math skills and cognitive performance with corresponding changes in brain activity in individuals with Turner syndrome following training with Lumosity.
  • Kesler et. al found that women whose breast cancer had been treated with chemotherapy demonstrated improved executive function, such as cognitive flexibility, verbal fluency and processing speed after Lumosity training. This work is published in Clinical Breast Cancer. 
  • Psychologist Maurice Finn and Skye McDonald from the University of New South Wales found that patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) who trained with Lumosity improved their sustained attention relative to controls. MCI is considered a precursor condition to Alzheimer’s disease, and this is the first report of cognitive enhancement with training in this population.
If you want to know more I'd like to list some website where you can find more informations:

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